Web development projects require intricate knowledge and expertise to begin with. No one will be able to do it all on his own, so you are left with two options. You either need to assemble a team or outsource the development to a web development company. You could do it all on your own if it’s a small project, but a team is essential for bigger projects. If you plan to do it all on your own then it’s going to take a lot more time, and managing all the tasks, could be a tedious job for anyone.
However, if you are planning to just get a presence over the internet by something like a personal page or a website that doesn’t do much, go for WordPress development solution, it’s cheaper and is pretty easy to work with. A CMS like WordPress will be the best option if the website you are planning doesn’t have too many elements or just have a page or two.
So, if you are scaling a complicated web app or one which will serve users in more than just providing information, consider getting it developed by a real team. For businesses to succeed, a website is an absolute necessity these days. The extended reach and the number of customers is enormous when we talk about websites. Even if you already have customers, a website is necessary to provide them with information about your business.
Too much on the surface already, it’s your choice if you want your project to be developed in house or outsourced through a web development company. But since the article is about benefits associated with outsourcing things, we will keep on the point.
Let’s now begin with the main benefits of outsourcing web development projects.
1. Cost
Cost is one of the biggest factors, depending on where your business is in its lifecycle. Even if we don’t consider that, making a profit is what we set up a business for. If you already spend too much on project development, it will be hard to recover costs, no matter how good your business runs. Evaluating the cost for a project matters the most, no matter if you get the project outsourced or made in house.
For both these ways, it is only fair to make comparisons based on which country your office is in. In the USA, you would be paying exorbitant amounts for fair talents, compared to India, where you would be paying a fair amount of money for fair to exclusive talent, depending on how well you are in recruiting. However, if you go the outsource way, you always could hire developers or a web development company from India or some other developing country. Plus you save on the office space, and many more places, by not getting a huge office in silicon city.
Compare the strength of currencies, along with the silicon cities of any country you plan to hire from. Doing so, you will get a fair idea of how much is it going to cost when you hire from some other country, either individuals or companies. The cost will always be a concern if you are establishing a business in any of the developed countries, research well to save a substantial amount, for the same or even better-quality product.
2. Hiring and laying off developers
Hiring and laying off employees is a big feat, certainly to be avoided if possible. When you hire an employee, they become a part of the company. It is both unnecessary and unethical to hire employees till the time project runs and lay them off after. Also, for the same reason, plus the number of people working permanently in web development companies, it’s going to be hard to find employees in the first place.
Even if you find employees to develop for your project, you will probably only be able to keep the maintenance staff. But, of course, if your project will require tweaks and changes every now and then, along with constant adding of functionalities, its best to hire permanent staff. If you need staff for an elongated period, you can also bargain with the web development company.
The scale of the project, along with support and maintenance after completion will be a huge deciding factor with this one. On the other hand, when you hire a web development company to do it, you will have no worries about it at all. Another great thing about them is that they employ the cream of all developers’ pool, you will always find only the best there.

3. Experience of developers
There is no universal law, but a developer who has worked on multiple projects throughout the years would be better than the one who hasn’t. Top-level experienced developers are hard to find or to hire directly, for the fact that the top web development companies might have pursued then much more. The money paid to them is much more than you pay a regularly experienced developer, to afford that you will need more than 1 project to balance the cost.
For that particular reason, if you are planning a full-scale complicated project, only then you should look forward to outsourcing and hire skilled developers. You could simply hire a web development company, the level of experience their developers can be easily evaluated. It is, in fact, rare, to find top experienced developers at all, but if you don’t need them for a new implementation of to invent a new logic, it’s not worth it.
Suppose you need to build any of the generic functionalities in your project, a low to a medium level experienced developer can easily do it. But if you are planning on visitors accessing your site to be in millions, outsourcing might be a good idea, so you have at least 1 top experienced developer to get things right. This one simply depends on the scalability and the budget of the project.
4. Support
Figuring this out beforehand would benefit you a lot in the long run. It is only necessary to plan for support in early phases, you would need to fix bugs and add small features all the time. Since its ideal having support to be working with those who create the project, outsourcing can prove to be really beneficial. You could take a package that comes with extended support and maintenance.
Many web development companies already realize this and are offering packages that come with free support and maintenance for a few months. Discuss all the whereabouts’ while planning your contracts, because the very same thing can be used against you. If you don’t plan ahead, the development company might ask you to pay higher prices for after-sales support.
Also, if you plan to go on hire a team, you can bind them in a contract for after completion support. If you don’t get it right, it will be a hassle to find new developers who would first have to understand everything and then take out bugs from the code created by someone else.
5. Scalability
We have briefly talked about it in the above points, but this is very important and should be a point on its own. Have you heard about divide and rule? The biggest advantage of outsourcing your web development project lies in it. If you have a huge project, instead of assembling a huge team for development, hire a huge team for planning. Use resources wisely so they would last at least until your project is completed.
Hire a team of managers, each assigned parts of projects, and find multiple web development companies to complete each part. It may seem like a lot of extra work, but this is exactly how big projects are supposed to be handled. For the same approach, if you go on hiring different teams, it will take months to just assemble them.
Rather, you can focus days to list out the top web development companies and plan out tasks. Eventually putting a workforce which is 10 times bigger, can do the work in less than half the time, with say equivalent resources. That is the real advantage of outsourcing your web development project.
All these pointers are going to vary significantly, especially for the cost part. Think about it as if, if you would want yours to be called a web development company? If you plan that the maintenance and updates itself will go on for years, we suggest you outsource, but then eventually hire people. Remote workers are another great option you get to choose from.
From our perspective outsourcing certainly have many more benefits, especially the cost of development. But it is different for every business type and may vary a lot depending on your niche and industry. Evaluate the cost, time, and effort, for both options. You can always send in your requirements to us for a free evaluation, compare and choose what’s best for your project.