Are you aware of podcast apps yet? Podcasting is now immensely popular and getting a lot of users with time. Podcast apps are a new medium to listen to premium content related to different types of niches such as stories, business, novels, interview discussions, and many more. In the present time, podcast apps are in high demand and several businesspersons are interested and planning to have a beginning with it in the same industry. Although, you must have a solid idea to carry out your message through the app.
But before having development services, a question blinks to the entrepreneur’s mind, ‘How much does it cost to develop a podcast app?’ To know about the mobile app development cost, you must go through the below article-
Table of Contents
Overview of Pocket Casts Mobile App
However, several podcast apps existed in the market but Pocket Casts is the most powerful and well-known app across the world. Ventures prefer to develop podcast apps like Pocket Casts, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, and others.
The word podcast denotes the digital audio files that are available online for the users to download. These podcast apps can be downloaded to both Mac computers and PC, mobile phones involving iPad, iPhone, and others. There are some famous hosting services such as Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Speaker, Google Podcasts, and Audacity.
These podcasts are known as audio recordings about any topic. Users can record their podcast content on a particular software. Among all apps, Pocket casts is a famous app created by podcast listeners for the people. This app provides free-to-use services and has a user-friendly interface. It is available for both iOS and Android users.
It is also available for users on different sites such as Android Auto, Amazon Echo, Apple Watch, CarPlay, Sonos, Chromecast, Google Home, and HomePod.
How Podcast App Works?

There are various reasons behind the interest of people towards the podcast apps like curious to know about the podcasting trend, getting a new passion, enhancing professional visibility, and many more. A lot of them are refining a community of similar-minded viewership and likewise.
For businesses, it is only a medium to earn high revenue and profit but before going to have podcast app development solutions, entrepreneurs must get to know about the working steps of the app-
- People must get registered to the app first via submitting their details like name, phone number, email, etc., or by linking it to any other social media account. After that, they can use it on their home screen.
- Users can search their interests via entering the menu at the below screen.
- They can type the genre or the name of the podcast they want to listen to.
- After entering, they must click on the ‘Search Button’.
- When you find the one you are looking for, tap on the podcast and enjoy.
- You can also subscribe to the channel.
- If you want to download the episode, you can click on the download button or you can listen to the podcast without downloading it.
Market Growth and Stats About Podcast Mobile Apps
Podcast mobile app development solutions had already won millions of hearts across the world but during the lockdown, it has become more valuable. According to the stats, the number of podcast listeners will have a momentous growth as, in 2021, the monthly US podcast listeners will enhance by 10.1% YoY (year-over-year) to 117.8 million.
Podcasts are much popular among the young generation. In the current year, over 60% of USA adults between the age of 18-34 are monthly podcast users. Following the market reports, the podcasting industry will reach $1 billion by 2021. Spotify is predicted to be the most popular podcast platform in the USA in 2021.

According to sources, the podcasting app market size worldwide was calculated $11.46 billion in 2020 and is forecasted to evolve at a 31.1% CAGR from 2021-28 that is huge in comparison to the past years. The reason behind this growth is the increasing use of podcasts in different sectors such as news & politics, comedy, society & culture, sports, teaching & learning, and many others.

Well-known Types of Podcast Mobile Apps
Have you thought about which type of app development services you want? Whether it will be Android or Apple podcast app development? Below we have provided some of the different types of podcast mobile apps, you can take an idea from-
1. Hybrid
It is one of a podcast mobile app type that includes limited hosts but various guests or speakers who get involved in podcasting sessions, it is the thing that makes this type more popular. Usually, it starts with a monologue kind of commentary or statement or it can be a punch or sarcasm that comes from the host and then goes to a guest. It is done for different purposes such as panel discussion, interview, or simple contribution. Some of the Hybrid podcasts are- The Writer’s Voice and Slate’s the Gist.
2. Storytelling
You must choose a leading mobile app development company to have this famous type of podcast app. However, it is a little bit difficult to get efficiency in the art but it is worth trying on. This type of podcast is mostly used by journalists or media persons who want detailed and insightful data on different incidents and subjects.
It narrates various stories based on non-fictional & fictional by using audio clips recorded from the interviewee. Some of its examples are- start-ups, This American Life, Radiolab, etc.
3. Re-purposed Content
Take services from experienced Podcast app developers to build this popular podcasting app. Basically, it comprises interviews, seminars, workshops, and many more. Therefore, it provides an enhanced and better experience to listeners. Here is the most popular example of this- The Moth, The TED Radio Hour, and others.
4. Panel Discussions or Interviews
The last one refers to interviews or panel discussions and it is introduced with either a solo guest aspirant or with a lot of guests. These kinds of podcasts propose different viewpoints to listeners. This platform is more useful for political podcasts. Some of the leading examples are- political Gabfest and The Bean cast.
Top Most Podcast Apps Worldwide
To establish in the podcast app market or getting success, it is significant to hire mobile app developers from a leading firm who can provide you a podcast apps like Spotify, Pocket casts, Overcast, and others. To know about the leading market giants, have a look at the following-

Top Benefits Offered by Podcast Mobile Apps
If you choose a top-notch media and entertainment app development company to have suitable podcast app solutions, you will get a lot of benefits through this. Some of the top benefits are as follows-
Large User Base
A large base of audiences or users is preferable for any type of business. People worldwide are showing curiosity & interest in the podcast apps and it has the highest possibility of attracting an enhanced user base via providing great audio content.
The podcast is the simplest way to connect the people with the audio in-depth. Users can also subscribe to their favorite podcast to get regular updates and notifications to them.
Substitute to Video Content
Many people take podcasts as a good substitute for videos. Businesses use videos to convey their message or ideas to their customers or users and undoubtedly, it is the best way but some of the people who don’t prefer this way can use the podcast to display their thoughts to people.
It will have the same impact on people along with fewer chances to degrade the brand image through bad quality. For start-ups, that don’t have enough equipment to shoot a video or create it, the podcast is the life savior for them.
Podcasts only need good content and great script along with a better-quality mike; hence it is a way better option than anything.
Easy Nature & User-friendly
Both iOS and Android podcast app development solutions have easy and user-friendly nature in comparison to any other medium of communicating with the users. Equipment is within budget and easily available in the market. You can start the podcasting with a headphone, microphone, and a well-written script.
You can edit the recording via different apps and, need to have a Wi-Fi connection as a default part. App owners can also send the podcast clips to subscribers via email.
Great Understanding with Audiences
However, podcasts are a one-way system as businesses can only provide information to audiences but can’t interact with them, still, it is a great way to maintain a healthy relationship with the app users.
Listeners might love your voice, story genre, or concept, it can work as the greatest benefit in your favor. All it takes is a strong and consistent bonding with your listeners.
Speaking Skills
Podcasts are available in audio form; therefore, these help to enhance speaker’s confidence and motivate them to speak in public as well. It helps in speaking fluently with natural skills. With this, businesses can get chances to business promotion in more public areas.
Enhanced User Engagement
Ask the social network app development company you have chosen to include such engaging features that can grab the attention of more users. The Internet has plenty of visual and written content but has less audio-based content. Thus, businesses can take this chance and start with this type of content.
As per the survey, around 63% of the 3,00,000 podcast listeners had purchased the things, talked, and promoted by the host.
Significant Features Of a Podcast App

Adding core & advanced features is the main aspect of determining the cost to develop an app. With the features, you can experiment in different ways with your podcast app development solutions. Following are some of the features that are a must-have for your app-
1. User Profile Setting
The app allows users to register into the app and manage their profile while maintaining the podcast categories and choice list to listen to.
2. Subscription
In this, users are allowed to subscribe to the podcast channel they like or want to listen to on regular basis. They must pay monthly or yearly fees for it.
3. Smart Search
Podcast app includes smart search comprising different podcast categories, speaker’s name, episode number, and many more. Users will engage more via this feature.
4. Podcast Library
Nowadays, users like to explore the app’s watchlist and want to be constant with the watch feature. Within your on-demand app development, you can include a library feature to keep track of the podcast episodes.
5. Download the Episode
This feature is for those who want to download their favorite episode or the episode they want to watch without buffering. They can watch it any time after downloading it.
6. Offline Access
Users can access podcasts online as well as offline. The difference is only that users can access only limited features when goes offline.
7. Clear Audio
Users can listen to the crystal-clear voice of the speaker by canceling all other noises around them to enhance the audio quality.
8. Custom Playlists
In this, users have the right to create their own playlists by combining different podcasts episodes. It provides them a unique experience with a happy listening queue.
9. Podcasts Management
Podcast creators can upload the new episodes from a different genre, build different albums, manage the older ones, and add descriptions.
How to Monetize the Podcast App Development Solutions?

As we know, podcast mobile app development can make the businesspersons earn a lot of profit and revenue to bear the complete Podcast app development cost. Below are the different monetizing ways for the app–
App Subscription
Audiences who have been regular to some specific podcasts can hook with them via the subscription model. Podcasts can charge some of the amounts to provide them further services ask them to opt for the subscription.
In-app Advertisement
The most common way to earn money via apps is in-app advertising. You can display ads of other brands or services on your app in the middle of the audio. Those brands will pay you a good amount to do that.
Premium Subscription
Premium subscription by users will unlock various new app features for them with an uninterrupted podcast listening experience. They will have more amazing experiences than the freebies on the app.

Step-by-step Process of Podcast Mobile App Development
The cost to make an app largely depends upon the hired app development company and the development process they applied for the app. An efficient and well-planned development process not only helps you to create a suitable app but also fulfills the expectations and needs of the audiences within your budget-
1. Market Investigation
Before getting mobile app development services, it is important to know about the market trends and what is recently popular among all your prominent competitors. Learn from their mistakes and see what they are missing that can be advantageous for you. Get to know about the needs and preferences of your target audiences.
2. Project Specification
After exploring and analyzing the market, it will have a clearer picture of your project. Now, it will be easier for you to know that what type of features you must add to the Pocket Casts app clone solution, what are technologies to add, how to make money through it and how you will launch it? Plan your budget accordingly and keep things limited and define your goal to your team in an easy way.
3. Application Design
App Design must be so interactive, classy, responsive, and striking that no user can stop themselves using it. No one likes the unattractive and disturbing app design; it will affect the overall app’s impact as well. Ensure to keep the app design attractive enough to keep all eyes on it.
4. App Development
It is the stage where having a leading mobile app development company and an experienced team becomes very significant. The company you chose and the team you hire must be skilled and dedicated to understanding what you want?
They should know about the latest technologies and how to implement them within the app to grab more and more audiences? Even after the development, the right testing of the app comes second in the priority list.
5. Market Tactics and Launch
While launching the app, you need to think twice. Is everything done the way you want it? We will strongly recommend you first launch the MVP (minimum viable product) version of the app. After getting the customer’s review on the MVP version, you can go ahead with its main version, otherwise can also update it.
How Much Does It Cost to Develop a Podcast App?
It is a challenging question to ask but also an important one as this question always comes in the mind before having mobile app development services. There is a lot of factors to consider before estimating the cost to make a podcast app. Following are those factors-
- MVP Version or A Full App Version
- Advanced Tech Stack
- List Of Chosen Features
- Price And Location of Developers
- Third-Party Integrations
- App Platforms
Depending on these features, the estimated podcast mobile app development cost would be around $15,000 to $40,000. This price is suitable for entrepreneurs who want to have a native podcast app with core features only. Some business persons desire to have a hybrid app with ultra-modern features, the overall cost will go higher for this kind of app.
Final Thoughts
In this article, we have clearly mentioned the complete cost to make a podcast app along with its development process and associated features. As we all know, podcast apps are gradually becoming immensely popular among people worldwide. Leading market giants such as Pocket Casts, Apple & Google Podcasts, Spotify, and others have also given the users facility to produce and listen to podcasts. Podcast mobile app development is a promising sector and entrepreneurs can try their hands in the industry with the help of a top social media app development company to be successful in the market.