Website development is quite a challenging task to do, more than what people usually think of. Choosing the right development frameworks and technology is very crucial, if you want to get everything right. There are too many frameworks available, and choosing what works best for your project, can be a daunting task. A lot of things must be considered before picking any framework just to ensure that it has everything that you want in your website or web app. If you are unsure of which one to go for, a web development company may help you in selecting the one for you.
Talking about the diversity of frameworks and languages available, PHP is one of the most popular server-side scripting languages, and web developers all across the globe love using this language, to create scalable and robust websites and apps. One can easily find a good and proficient web development company that offers various PHP development services.
Today in this article, we are going to talk about one of the most talked and popular PHP frameworks, which is CakePHP, and will discuss some of the reasons why this can be a great choice for your next big web development project. But before that let us know a little about what CakePHP is:
About CakePHP
CakePHP is an open-source web development framework, which comes with quite amazing features. This framework allows a CakePHP development company to develop fast, highly scalable, and complex websites and web apps. CakePHP comes with a rich collection of modules and libraries, which makes things easy for a web developer. This web app framework is based on the model-view-controller architecture and is known best for creating secure and reliable websites for all kinds of businesses, irrespective of their size.

It’s been quite some time now that this PHP framework is in the market, and with time, it has evolved quite well. There is a large community of active developers who are constantly working on making CakePHP better and removing all the little drawbacks it has.
Here are some of the amazing features which this framework is known for:
- Open-source
- Large community
- CRUD integration
- MVC architecture
- Code-reusability
- Code generation
- Custom URLs and routes
- Fast
- Reliable
- Flexible templating
- Built-in validation
- Flexible ACL
- Data Sanitization
- Easy code Testing
- Built-in Libraries
Let us discuss a few of these features in detail and help you understand the benefits of using CakePHP.
MVC Pattern
This is one of the most important reasons why CakePHP is one of the top choices for creating large scale websites and web apps. CakePHP works on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, which actually divides the entire application into three different compartments, each for handling different development issues. This becomes quite easy for a PHP developer to work on each issue separately and more effectively. This is the main reason why CakePHP development services are so popular among entrepreneurs who are looking for a scalable web solution for their business.
Code Reusability
This is a great feature as developers can easily reuse the code they have once created. Code once is written can be easily deployed multiple times thereby, reducing the time and efforts as there is no need to write the whole code from scratch. If you have less time for the development of your website or web app, then you must look out to hire PHP developers, as using this amazing framework they can expedite the development process.
No Configuration Required
While working with CakePHP, web developers need not devote much of their time while working with the configuration, all you need to do is set the connection settings of the database correctly. This feature facilitates developers more time to work on logic and concentrate more on the web development process.
Being an open-source platform, this framework is quite economic and cost-effective to use. People and even top web development companies love using this framework as it is great for creating scalable websites and web apps for people looking for solutions on a budget.
Easy Code Testing
Everyone wants their website or web apps to be error-free. Easy testing is one of the main benefits of using this framework. While working on an application, there are many things to keep in mind or to take care of, but there are chances that developers may miss out on something, but while working on CakePHP, developers find it really easy to find and analyze the errors and correct them. This allows CakePHP development companies to offer an error-free website or web app to their clients.
Built-in Libraries
Being a part of the PHP framework, CakePHP comes with some of the amazing set of modules and libraries, which facilitates developers to create amazing websites and web apps for their clients. Websites developed using this framework are highly scalable, robust, and full of outstanding features. The built-in libraries and modules help developers to create solutions extremely fast without working too much on the coding part, facilitating the agile development process.
Secure and Reliable
Creating websites that are secure is quite important. There are tons of information and user data stored on your website and it is very important to have a solution that keeps everything safe and secure from the malpractices. Opting for CakePHP development services will ensure that your website or web app is safe enough to keep all your data protected.
Large Active Community
CakePHP is has a really large community of active members who are really passionate about this framework. If you are new to this framework and stuck somewhere, surely you can take help from this community and developers here will be more than happy to help you. Also, this is a great learning platform for the young and budding CakePHP developers who have just started their careers in web development. This community also works actively on improving this framework and openly expresses their views on what is working and what is not.

No Installation Needed
Working with this framework does not require any pre-installation. Developers can directly work on this framework by just configuring the database settings and the rest of the work is done by itself.
CRUD Platform
This is an important feature and helps in smooth code management. CRUD refers to Create, Read, Update, and Delete, which means all these steps can be easily done while working with CakePHP.
Final Words
Seeing these amazing features of CakePHP, there must be no doubt in understanding such a high demand for CakePHP development companies and CakePHP developers in the market. In modern times, this framework is known for creating some of the best applications and provides rich tools and libraries for creating web solutions, that are suitable for all needs.
CakePHP also allows customization and modification quite easy, which allows developers to create applications that are according to your business needs. Security and scalability are two of the top reason why businesses of all sizes love getting their websites developed using this framework. So, if you are also looking to get your website or web app developed, you might want to consult with a good web development company, discuss all your requirements, and choose the framework which works best for you.