Web app development has become crucial for every business that is willing to establish a strong presence across digital platforms. And to develop appealing and user-friendly websites and apps for your business, all you need is a perfect framework. Choosing the right set of tools and frameworks is very important so that they can fit into the complexity level as well as the size of the business. Among all the web development frameworks available today, Python is undoubtedly one of the most renowned and preferred options among the companies offering website development services.
Python is a highly interpreted and one of the most popular programming languages that are being used by major development companies these days. It follows the core concepts of object-oriented programming language. The main reason behind its popularity is its robust frameworks, libraries, and a myriad of services it offers. Python is known for its versatility and easy to use nature, which has increased its demand, especially for web app development.
Today, in this article, we will explore the top Python frameworks to use in 2023. You can use these frameworks to enhance your website performance and time to market in 2023, but before that, let us know a little bit more about Python and its frameworks.
An Introduction to Python and Python Frameworks
Python is an interpreted, scripting, and high-level programming language used for developing websites, web applications, GUI applications, and many more. Being a general-purpose language it enables the developers to concentrate on the Core features of the solution and consequently dealing with the programming tasks.
Python frameworks are capable of automatically reducing the web app development time for the developers along with automating the project redundancy. These solutions offer a wide range of tools and frameworks to the developers where each one of them has its own strengths. Python frameworks refer to a set of very peculiar software modules and packages that instantly implement the solutions to segregate on the application logic instead of the fundamental processes.
Why Python Frameworks So Popular?
Python frameworks have been ruling the web development industry for decades and it has also become one of the most well-versed programming languages so far. Apparently, there are thousands and thousands of new developers who willing to kick start their web development career wanting to learn this language. Considering the wave of Python, many web app development companies are all set to Hire Python programmers to meet their business demands. Python comes with incredible frameworks that offer conceptual structure to startups, brands, and other businesses.
Whether the project is simple or minuscule, or complex and huge, Python as a proficient language is always ready to cater to the requirements. This language easily takes charge of developing every project ranging from web applications and solutions to cognitive technological applications, and business applications to software development. You can easily build cognitive, command line, system admin, or audio-video applications through this framework.
Python also helps the developers to streamline the project and eliminate the irrelevant part from it. There are multiple frameworks categorized into various types that help the developers to sort them out as per their requirements. The acknowledgment of all these types is mentioned below.

What Are the Various Types of Python Frameworks?
According to python experts, Python frameworks are classified into three major types- full-stack, microframeworks, and asynchronous frameworks. Let us explore each of them briefly-
i) Full-stack framework
Full-stack Python frameworks take over the responsibility of entire development ranging from client’s view to the project management and many more. These frameworks come along with the supporting components such as generators, template layouts, form validations, etc. full-stack frameworks are also loaded with many packages and tools like MVC architecture, router, ORM, etc.
ii) Micro frameworks
Micro Frameworks are often chosen by those Python companies looking to work closely on the project and follow a practice of manually adding the features to magnify the project. Micro frameworks in Python cannot be combined with the tools, packages, and elements built-in for the benefits of full-stack frameworks but they have the flexibility in selecting the components for building software. Micro frameworks in Python are lightweight and represent a suitable option for applications that don’t essentially require coding.
iii) Asynchronous frameworks
An innovative and latest subset of microframeworks in Python is known for handling consequent operations in mass and known as an asynchronous framework. Their primary objective is to run various threats in accordance with the main thread and then notify the main thread upon completion of failure. Many Python development companies choose this framework as non-blocking sockets to develop concurrent codes.
Now that we have an understanding of the Python frameworks, let us learn about the top 10 Python frameworks to use in 2023.
Top 10 Python Frameworks to Use In 2023
Python is especially known for its powerful web frameworks and it is loaded with many options to suit your project development requirements. Whether you want to develop a simple application or a complicated e-commerce website, with the help of Python frameworks you can easily develop a secure and efficient back-end script. If you are willing to develop a high performing web solution in 2023 and looking for potential options, go through the below-mentioned Python frameworks.
1. Django

Django is an open-source Python framework that enables developers to build complex applications and codes fastly. This framework also assists the developers in building quality web applications as it conducts quick development and deployment of application programming interfaces. Django is a high-level Python framework that streamlines web app development by offering multiple vigorous features.
It also provides colossal assortments of the web development libraries that enhance the component reusability. You can hire Django developers to create a solution coupled with the efficiency of Python as it will require minimum coding and Developers will be able to focus more on the project logic.
Key features-
- Built-in authentication system
- Robust yet simple URL system
- object-oriented programming language database that provides excellent recovery in data storage
- Automatic admin interface that enables the features of editing, deleting, and adding the components
2. CherryPy

CherryPy is an open-source Python framework that embeds the multi hung server. This framework can easily run on any framework that is compatible with Python. This framework integrates a multi-string web server, engagement framework, and modular framework. On the plus side, it enables the website development companies or website developers to run various HTTP servers simultaneously accompanied by various instruments for reserving, encoding, and approval.
Key features
- Easy to run multiple HTTP servers all at once
- It has a consistent, WSGI threaded webserver
- Robust configuration system for web app deployment
- Built-in coverage, testing support, and profiling
3. Pyramid

The popularity of the Pyramid is progressively growing as the majority of the developers are embracing its utilities. It also provides truly dependable measures and screen access control to the developers to create a comprehensive solution. It is a transversal framework that has come and table mapping URLs to code with empowering the developers to effortlessly create restful API. this framework is worth the time and it can be extensively used for easy as well as difficult project elephant
Key features
- Adaptable validation and approval
- Templating and resource details
- Single document applications
- Testing, comprehensive data documentation, and support
4. Grok

Grok is a web framework based on the Zope toolkit Technology and it provides Agile development utility to the developers and enables them to concentrate on the fundamental principles of convention over security and Do Not Repeat Yourself (DRY). Grok is an open-source framework that is specially developed to scale up the process of web development. It is also one of the most preferred Python frameworks by proficient web developers.
Key features
- Provide a stable foundation for developing extensible and powerful web applications
- Strong object database for storage
- building blocks and other assets to build custom web applications
- Integrated security measures to ensure the security of application
5. Turbo Gears

Turbo Gears is an open-source, information-driven, and full-stack web development Python framework. It enables the developers to easily overcome the inefficiency or inadequacies of web applications. Turbo Gears also enable developers to fastly develop extensible and information-driven web applications. It also enables the developers to begin developing web applications within a short time and streamline the project using diverse JavaScript web development tools.
Key features
- Accessible command-line tools
- Multi database support
- Model-view-controller style architecture, test script templates
- MochiKit JavaScript library integration
- ToscaWidgets to simplify the coordination of server deployment and front end design
6. Web2Py

Web2Py is an open-source, full-stack web development framework that enables developers to rapidly create web components. Many companies hire Python programmers to use the features of this cross-stage framework supporting many other working frameworks. It also rearranges the web development process through SQL database, web server, and online interface.
Web2Py enables developers to alter, construct, oversee, and convey web applications directly through internet browsers. It comes with a number of built-in features that save developers from writing the whole code for developing basic applications. However, it is often used for education for teaching purposes and that is why many real-world developers do not prefer it for developing complex web app solutions.
Key features
- It requires no setup or establishment
- It runs on Mac, Linux/ Unix, Windows, Google App engine, and other frameworks
- It can fork without stretching MySQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, FireBird, Oracle, etc
- It limits the widely recognized vulnerabilities
7. Flask

Flask is another most popular Python framework based under the BSD license inspired by the Sinatra Ruby framework. Flask is a micro framework that relies on the Werkzeug WSGI toolbox and Jinja 2 template. Its basic objective is to develop a solid web application and when contrasted with Django, it is ideal for simple activities. This framework has been used by many enterprises including LinkedIn, Pinterest, and many more. As compared to Django, it is ideally suited for easy and small project activities and you can expect a unique web server development supporting the Google App engine as well as inbuilt unit testing.
Key features
- HTTP solicitation
- Suitable for Google App engine
- Lightweight framework
- Unicode based
8. Bottle

Bottle is a straight forward, fast, and lightweight WSGI small scale Python framework. Initially, it was developed for creating web APIs and it executes everything in the form of a single source document. This microframework framework enables developers to easily work near the project equipment development. It is also capable of streamlining the association of many web frameworks along with prototyping. it has many out-of-the-box features including utilities, directing, templating, fundamental extraction. The top Python companies use this framework due to its single module feature and ease to learn. This framework is also supported by the Python version 2 and 3.
Key features
- Pythonic and quickly built-in the template engine
- Spotless URL route for mapping simplified syntax
- Speed optimization for high performance in testing
- Works in HTTPS server and other WSGI competent HTTP-server
9. Tornado

Tornado is another Python framework having an offbeat system administration library which is ideal for undertaking the simultaneous association of the project components. This framework is also used for serving the applications where keeping track of synchronous associations is useful. It also uses nonblocking framework input and output and unravels the CK10 issue. It means that whenever the application is configured correctly, we can easily deal with more than 10000 connections.
All these features make this framework an ideal choice for a proficient Python development company. Some of its prominent features are that it utilizes a non-blocking HTTP network and it comes with general framework features like user authorization and authentication, template engine, and many more.
Key features
- User authentication support
- Support for localization and interpretation
- High-quality output
- Real-time service and superior quality
10. Dash

Dash is an open-source smaller-scale Python framework reasonable to obtain crafted by the top researchers. It also encourages developing dashboard components utilizing Python libraries and tools. Dash can be modified as per the project requisites and it provides basic interface controls to the users. Among its two pieces, the first characterize the application design, and the second portrays application intuitiveness. With this framework, the applications are rendered directly in the internet browser and can be easily sent to the service as they are cross-stage and versatile.
Key features
- Module support
- URL directing
- straight for the interface for UI controls including charts and dropdowns
- Mistake dealing with this deployment server
The Bottom Line
With the aforementioned top 10 Python frameworks, we have reached near the end of our article on ‘top 10 Python frameworks to use in 2023. These frameworks are listed according to their popularity among the web development community and its usage. There are a number of Python frameworks that are in demand and popular but each of them differs in terms of their strengths and weaknesses.
Every developer has its own coding styles and web app development preferences. The developers will assess the framework as per their project requisites or suitability. Hence, the choice to select the Python framework highly depends on the developer’s task at hand.