The software industry is growing tremendously and is considered one of the fastest-growing sectors today. In today’s era software development is the best possible way to reach more and more customers and satisfy the need of every business. Whether you are launching your first product as a startup or a well-established business looking to change existing systems, software development has become a requirement for every business.

To help build a high-quality and efficient solution, Software development tools were launched that assist developers to develop software easily and effectively. These tools provide developers with necessary solutions in the form of wide-ranging functionalities such as software development libraries, linkers, compilers, GUI Designers, and more. They offer a one-stop solution to streamline the software development process and enhance productivity.

According to reports, the software development market is projected to reach $1039 billion by 2027, with a compound annual growth rate of 25.54% from 2020 to 2027. This staggering growth reflects increasing reliance on software solutions by businesses across various industries.

To keep up with the evolving landscape, ventures are turning to custom software development services provided by companies that work with the latest tools and trends. If you as a developer looking to be an asset in a leading agency. Then, this blog is for you. This software development guide about tools will tell you about trending tools and features that can help you stand out in the market and reshape your career.

What are Software Development Tools?

Software development tools are applications, frameworks, or utilities that help developers create, maintain, edit, debug, manage, and support software. Currently, there are hundreds of software development tools present in the market.

These tools are designed to enhance productivity, streamline the development process, and improve code quality. However, choosing a software development tool depend on the project type and features intended.

They can be categorized into various types based on their specific purpose and functionality. Such as-

  • Integrated Development Environment
  • Build tools
  • Source Control
  • Tools to support Methodology
  • Bug trackers
  • Profilers
  • Automated Deployment Tools
  • Testing tools

Factors To Consider While Choosing Software Development Tools

When choosing any tools for your project from the software development tools list, it is really important to consider some factors that help you to ensure the suitability of the tool with your given project.

With an overabundance of tools in the market, not every tool will be necessary or relevant to you some might become necessary for you. There are some factors you need to analyze before choosing any tools so that they can benefit you in the long term and prove their worth.

  • Applicability to Environment
  • Company Standards
  • Functionality
  • Integration
  • Flexibility
  • Overhead
  • Ease of Use

1. Applicability to Environment

You might have understood with the heading, one crucial factor to consider when choosing development tools for software is “Applicability to the environment”. It involves analyzing whether your tools align with the development environment including the programming languages, frameworks, and operating systems used in the project.

There are two factors “Compatibility and Integration” with existing tools and technologies that are vital for seamless workflow and productivity. A great example of this is a web-based code editor will not rely on a desktop-specific text editor for code editing and formatting. Therefore, it is important to select an agile software development tool that fits well with the anticipated environment.

2. Company Standards

Whether it is a small organization or a large organization, tool standardization has become a new norm. To maintain consistency and quality, some companies enforce some set of software development management tools that helps in easy collaboration and communication among developers and other team members leading to a better-quality solution. This is especially important in the era of remote teams, when one company may at the same time hire developers in United Kingdom, Mexico, India, etc.

This simplifies training and support efforts, facilitates scalability and security, and assures venture quality products by maintaining a balance between standardization and project needs without compromising quality. So, even as a developer if you learn a tool and want to practice or get trained, make sure to choose the right software development company which gives place to learners of your field.

3. Functionality

The functionality of any tool will leave footprints on your software development. So, it becomes necessary to assess the functionality of a software development tool before making any choice. Your priority should be to make sure it has all the needed features and open to changes. It is necessary to ensure the tools align with your project requirement and can provide support to the development process.

By checking the tool’s functionality, you can avoid any kind of setbacks and remove the use of any such tool that is not useful for you. This will help you to properly allocate your time and effort for a smoother development cycle and better project outcomes.

4. Integration

For your development process, the Ideal development tool should have seamless integration with other necessary software development workflow. For example, suppose developers use a project management tool, a version control system, and an issue-tracking tool for any project.

To save time and effort, if these tools are integrated into software development tools, you can track project progress, manage code changes, and report and resolve issues seamlessly. Overall, the better your tool integrates with other tools, the more value it adds to your project and development team.

5. Flexibility

Undoubtedly, it is essential to select a tool that offers flexibility to adapt and scale along with your team as your needs evolve. Let’s talk with an example it may be possible your tool is less-known and works with a limited number of developers but may not fit well with a huge number of developers.


Hence, it is necessary to pick a tool that is scalable and capable of accommodating future growth. This ensures that you can work with a larger team with knowledge of the right development tools and fit well with changing scenarios. This also helps in eliminating the problem of shuffling between multiple tools or facing limitation that delays your team’s productivity.

6. Overhead

Before selecting any developer tools and making it you’re absolute favorite, it is important to consider the potential time and effort required for integration into the existing environment. Assess the compatibility of the tool with your current environment and infrastructure as well as technical expertise and resources required for implementation. Additionally, some tools may have initial deployment requirements that demand additional effort and time. Therefore, it is crucial to evaluate the potential overhead of a tool before making a selection.

7. Ease of Use

if we talk about picking a software developer tool, consideration should be given to the ease of use and user-friendliness of the tool. When working with a team of software developers, it is vital to ensure that everyone is familiar with and capable of effectively using the tool.

Therefore, ease of use is a non-negotiable factor to consider while selecting your software development tool. Even software development companies in the USA are also taking this into consideration for making developer-friendly tools.

After all, the last thing any software development company would want is their developer struggling to find a way to keep up with a tool used in agile software development. So, by prioritizing ease of use, you can minimize the learning curve for your team members and reduce any obstacles during the development process.

List of Software Development Tools

Due to market demand, there are several software engineering development tools that were released with a firm promise that they will help developers. Out of all tools, there are some tools to make your coding journey smoother, faster, and more enjoyable than ever before. Get ready to level up your game with this exciting list of top 20 development tools for software developers.

From powerful code editors to testing tools, we’ve got you covered. These tools will help you transform your development process and master the digital realm by being on your side. So, let’s check out to see whether your favorite development tool has made it to the list or not-

  • GitHub
  • Azure
  • Atom
  • Jira
  • Collaborator
  • SQL Sentry
  • DbSchema
  • Dreamweaver
  • Apache NetBeans
  • AWS Cloud9
  • Zend Studio
  • CodeLobster
  • CodeCharge Studio
  • Bitbucket
  • Eclipse
  • Visual Studio
  • Codepen
  • Docker
  • Gradle
  • Studio 3T

1. GitHub


GitHub is a web-based platform that serves as a code repository and version control system. GitHub project board and functionality enable it to perform among project management tools for software development expanding its capabilities beyond code management and fostering effective coordination.

GitHub extends its help to developers with a diverse range of tools to review code, handle project management, and take further steps in software development by making sure they have the appropriate resources for various development tasks.

Features of GitHub-

  • GitHub serves as an effective tool for team management and helps in effective and efficient coordination.
  • Packages can be published privately or shared publicly with open-community which means developers can easily download and utilize promoting code reuse.
  • Code writing is greatly improved through GitHub’s pull request feature that assists in reviewing, and proposing changes. This also improves team engagement and ease in providing feedback.
  • GitHub uses advanced tools to analyze and identify exposures, unlike other tools.

2. Azure


Azure is a famous platform discovered by Microsoft and is famous among cloud-based software development tools. Formerly, known as Windows Azure, it has extended forms of cloud computing such as IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service), and SaaS (Software as a Service) that assist in many clouds services such as Analytics, storage, Networking, Cloud computing and more.

Azure is getting famous to help remove any obstacles ventures face and help them meet their Organizational goal. Currently, Azure is working as a support for many industries including that of Fortune 500 companies.

Features of Azure-

  • With Azure’s low-code development model, developers can implement your ideas faster and build your app seamlessly.
  • Microsoft Azure has strong built-in security from the start which is also safeguarded through multiple layers of security approach.
  • It has multi-factor authentication to diminish the risk of data takeover and disaster recovery abilities that helps to bring back lost data within very less time.
  • It has an interesting pay-as-you-go subscription model that helps ventures to minimize their costs by reducing cloud usage.
  • Azure IoT hub is a great helping tool through which you can monitor and supervise many devices and gain better analytics that can help in making better decisions. It will help in making better decisions and fast-moving up the development process.

3. Atom


While talking about best software development tools how can we leave “Atom’’ behind. It is an open-source code editor tool for macOS, Linux, and Windows and also famously known as ‘hackable” text editor meaning it can be tailored using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This tool is developed by GitHub and used by programmers to build their text editors without any prior experience in it.

The platform is known for its customization abilities and has many third-party integrations to ease developers’ work and improve their productivity.  “Atom’’ is based on a framework known as Electron that helps in developing cross-platform desktop applications.

Features of Atom-

  • Atom allows one to check errors through several pages with the help of syntax highlighting.
  • It helps in saving time by autocompleting manual terms used regularly.
  • Has a free text editor and Easy to use customization feature for developers.
  • Allows for finding and replacing new commands without wasting time scrolling.
  • Offers a detailed video guide for assistance.

4. Jira


Jira was developed by Atlassian and initially brought into existence as an issue tracker to notice and remove bugs but soon it was placed among the best project management tools. It is designed to serve as a planning and guideline tool to provide assistance to track, manage, prepare reports, and automate workflows through a centralized platform.

Many organizations globally use Jira for creating software and bug-tracking system. Inspired by other ventures you can opt for Jira for Enterprise software development solution and utilize its Exhibiting features and robust security to enhance growth at every stage.

Features of Jira-

  • Jira has an issue-tracking feature that assists in removing and providing insights into teamwork for more transparency and visibility.
  • Jira software is highly customizable.
  • Jira enables you to assign permissions
  • Jira is an integrated CI/CD that focuses on creating automated and efficient software releases.

5. Collaborator


As the name suggests, Collaborator is the peer review and document review software development tool that assist in the development, and testing as well as other experts of the management team to collaborate to produce better codes. The tool lets multiple people work at the same time on shared documents, spreadsheets, or presentations.

The tool allows for evaluating plans and reviewing code which helps in transparency and a collaborative environment. It helps the team to keep reviewing their products effectively and catch bugs or errors before launching in the market.

Features of Collaborator-

  • Collaborator provides features to enhance teamwork by allowing different users to work simultaneously. Any modification done by a member is visible to others too.
  • The version control feature in Collaborator helps in trailing and organizing any repetition of the document to make sure all work on the newer version.
  • Task and project management help in creating new tasks and managing deadlines meanwhile tracking progress.
  • It is one of the best software development collaboration tools as the tool provide a chat feature that allows team members to discuss and provide new suggestion in real-time and get the best results.
  • The tool offers a level of control whether who will help to access and change who can view specific documents.

6. SQL Sentry

SQL Sentry

SQL Sentry is a famous name among software development project management tools used as performance monitoring, diagnosing, and optimization tools for Microsoft SQL servers. It also facilitates retaining historical data for quick real-time troubleshooting. It provides inclusive alerting and analysis capabilities to help developers to find and fix performance issues in SQL server environments.

Features of SQL Sentry-

  • SQL Sentry offers a single dashboard where you can check the impression of your SQL server environment including key performance and trends.
  • SQL Sentry provides an Outlook-style calendar through which you can organize your events.
  • It offers third-party integrations allowing you to extend your capabilities for better performance.
  • SQL Sentry has a built-in alerting system that signals you of any serious performance issues from predefined verses.
  • SQL Sentry provides provisions and updates to make sure it is compatible with the latest SQL server versions and features.

7. DbSchema


DbSchema is a visual database design and management tool that assist in creating, managing, and documenting database. Among various types of software development tools, DbSchema stands out as it provides a graphical interface to design the schema and deploy it on different databases. The platform includes such features that help in data exploration which can glance at and manage data in table form.

Features of DbSchema-

  • DbSchema database allows you to design a database visually.
  • You can leverage synchronization capabilities that enable you to compare and synchronize structure of your database and also lets you make changes in the database schema up-to-date.
  • DbSchema also has a Query builder that allows you to graphically construct SQL queries. It also provides a visual interface to select tables, define joins, apply filters, and order results.
  • DbSchema has a spreadsheet-like interface that lets you insert, update, and appropriately delete records.
  • It has Schema Documentation that supports producing schema in the form of PDF, HTML5, or any other printed paper.

8. Dreamweaver


Dreamweaver is one of the popular software development tools that is launched by Adobe. It is an exclusive programming editor that is available for macOS and Windows operating systems. This tool serves as the best web design software and assists in building and publishing solutions supporting HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and many more.

It can be placed in the list of drag-and-drop software development tools as Dreamweaver allows you to create and layout pages through a visual design interface using drag and drop method without any coding.

Features of Dreamweaver-

  • Dreamweaver includes a powerful code editor that is used to build and make changes in the web pages, content, attributes, style, and more.
  • Dreamweaver’s responsive design effortlessly adjusts to different screen sizes. It delivers tools to make and preview responsive layouts and test them across various devices.
  • Dreamweaver has a live preview through which you can make changes in the web pages that will look in real-time.
  • Dreamweaver includes a library of code snippets and pre-built components that you can easily insert into your web pages.
  • By using the Dreamweaver publishing tool one can effortlessly manage files.

9. Apache NetBeans

apache netbeans

Apache NetBeans is an open-source integrated development environment for Java, JavaScript, HTML, and other programming language. It offers an inclusive tool for coding, debugging, and project management. Apache NetBeans is often considered an amazing option for beginners looking for software developer productivity tools as it helps in the quick and easy development of web applications.

NetBeans delivers a user-friendly interface, a powerful code environment, and advanced tools that help in building applications in different languages.

Features of Apache NetBeans-

  • Offers assistance to write bug-free code.
  • Support fast and Easy code editing and quick user-interface development.
  • Automatic Code compilation is offered including CSS preprocessors.
  • Support a variety of testing tools and frameworks, easy management process, and out-of-the-box working.
  • NetBeans offers extensions for multiple languages such as PHP, C, C++, and others.

10. AWS Cloud9

AWS Cloud9

While talking about the best tools for software developers, we can’t forget this gem. AWS Cloud9 is an online cloud-based integrated software development environment that helps developers to write, edit and manage code from anywhere. AWS provides a collaboration tool that allows developers to work seamlessly on the same codebase.

AWS can be used as a tool for software development for many programming languages including JavaScript, Python, Ruby, C++, and more. AWS has always supported developers to build Serverless applications, debug, and shift between local and remote execution of these applications.

Features of AWS Cloud9-

  • Without installing a local IDE, you can easily build, accomplish and debug applications with just a browser.
  • Built-in terminal in Cloud9 helps to manage AWS resources.
  • Allow code editing, debugging, and code completion which speedify the development process and avoid errors and bugs.
  • For customization variety of color schemes are available that manage syntax highlighting.
  • AWS Cloud9 aids many platforms including Linux, Windows, and Mac making it easy and quick for developers to work on their projects.

11. Zend Studio

Zend Studio

Among software engineering development tools, there is a next-generation PHP tool that has made its name big, that’s none other than ‘’Zend Studio”. Zend Studio is a programming software to edit code faster and debugs efficiently.

It is a professional IDE for PHP Development that helps to improve PHP performance, security, and adaptability. Zend Studio provides inclusive tools for fast development, including support for many popular frameworks such as Zend Framework and Laravel.

Features of Zend Studio-

  • Supports debugging competencies with Zend Debugger, Xdebug, and Z-ray integration.
  • Zend Studio makes Remote debugging, deploying and unit testing of PHP applications easy.
  • The platform works well on macOS, Linux, and Windows platforms.
  • It supports other agile software development tools such as Docker and Git Flow.
  • Zend Studio helps in deploying PHP application that involves support from the cloud including Microsoft Azure.

12. CodeLobster


CodeLobster is a cross-platform source-code tool that is designed to streamline and simplify the PHP web development process. It also supports different CMS platforms such as Joomla, WordPress, and Drupal.

It supports different programming languages such as CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. Code completion, debugging, and other useful features make it the best software development tool for many developers.

Features of Codelobster-

  • Supports advanced features like PHP advanced autocompletion, DOM elements, PHP debugger, and many more.
  • CodeLobster provides a different version for developers including free, lite, and professional versions.
  • Supports Visual User-Interface.
  • Offers Code Editing and Code Development
  • Autocompletion of tags, style property names, Keywords, DOM elements, and their properties.

13. CodeCharge Studio

CodeCharge Studio

Looking for creative software development productivity tools? Then CodeCharge Studio is for you. It is a leading Integrated Development Environment and Rapid Application Development that assists developers to create dynamic data-driven applications.

It supports various programming languages such as Java and databases, providing features like code generation, visual layout design, and database connectivity. CodeCharge Studio simplifies the development process by generating code and handling repetitive tasks.

Features of CodeCharge Studio-

  • Utilizing CodeCharge Studio helps reduce the software development process, minimize errors, and shorter learning curve.
  • It includes multiple databases supporting web connectivity including MySQL, MS Access, and Oracle.
  • Some Important features also include Visual IDE, Web Reports, Gallery Builder, Online Calendar, Flash Charts, and others.
  • Analyze and adapt generate code to grasp web technologies and start on your programming project.
  • Convert your database into web applications hassle-free and quickly.

14. Bitbucket  


Bitbucket is a web-based version control repository hosting service that helps teams to collaborate and manage Git OR Mercurial Repositories. It’s incorporated with an issue-managing app such as JIRA through which you can easily analyze your code, bugs, or trail any issue. Even Bitbucket’s incorporation with JIRA and Trello helps the software to execute any project effortlessly. It includes some features like Issue tracking, wiki, and pull requests.

Features of Bitbucket-

  • Compiling repositories into projects, helps developers to focus on their goals and achieve them more effectively.
  • Bitbucket offers a free plan, standard plan, and premium plan with unlimited repositories.
  • It has an inclusive code-review feature that helps in searching and fixing bugs.
  • Offers Integrated CI/CD service in the cloud.
  • Facilitates Distributed Version Control that makes it quick and efficient for teams to collaborate on a project.

15. Eclipse


Eclipse is another name you should add to your list of tools used in agile software development. it is an open-source Integrated Development Environment used for creating applications with taking help of Java.

It primarily supports Java but can also be used to create applications with0 programming languages through plugins such as C, C++, PHP, and many others. When it comes to tools and features Eclipse has plenty of them to enhance your development process.

Features of Eclipse-

  • Eclipse has code completion, syntax highlighting, code templates, and more that assist in writing error-free and faster codes.
  • Eclipse lets create, import, and manage projects as well as organize their structure.
  • Eclipse has seamless integration with different version control systems like Git, SVN, and CVS.
  • Eclipse has hundreds of plugins available and extensions that are used in the development process.
  • Eclipse supports testing frameworks such as Regression Testing and provides features for writing and executing unit tests.

16. Visual Studio

Visual Studio

When it comes to powerful tools it is not possible to complete the list without “Visual Studio”. It is a powerful Integrated Development Environment by Microsoft that has an inclusive set of tools and features to support software development across multiple platforms.

With a vast community of users, Visual Studio’s popularity originates from the ability to allow programmers to write codes promptly in any programming language without the need of switching the editor.

Features of Visual Studio-

  • Visual code has a powerful code editor with features like syntax highlighting, code navigation, and completion.
  • It supports a variety of programming languages like C++, Python, JavaScript, and more.
  • Visual Studio includes advanced debugging capabilities and provides a rich debugging experience by identifying and removing issues.
  • Visual Studio Code is among the perfect software development tools that provide a structured environment for managing projects and solutions.
  • Visual Studio supports extensions and add-ons that help developers to enhance the functionality of Visual Studio by installing extensions for different frameworks, and tools.

17. CodePen


CodePen is also another project management tool for software development that helps developers to build, test and manage front-end code. This is a famous online code editor that allow developers from beginners to expert for testing and display written code in different languages including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Launched in 2012, it gained so much popularity among the developer community due to its wide-ranging user interface and ease to use.

CodePen is the name given as developers can easily create code snippets known as “Pens”.  With 3,30,000 registered users and 14.16 million monthly visitors, it has undeniably the largest community of developers and designers to present its coding skills.

Features of CodePen-

  • Easy to use Graphical User Interface.
  • Supports Deployment Management
  • Helps in Code Development, Code Editing, and Debugging.
  • You can see, edit and manage the code in real-time.
  • You can experiment with your code and envisage them into action.

18. Docker


Docker is another best software development tool that helps developers to create, test and deploy applications. Docker is feature-rich in libraries, system tools, code, and more that are contained in regulated units known as ‘’Containers”’. Using Docker helps you in writing code faster, faultlessly interchange code, and helps in improving resource allocation resulting in saving lots of costs.

Due to features like scalability and efficiency, it allows applications to run easily across different environments. With the help of Docker, Developers can build, ship, and run their software easily, hop on the latest software development trends, and restructure the development and deployment processes.

Features of Docker-

  • Docker has a portable container that runs on any system that has installed Docker regardless of the OS.
  • Developers’ productivity gets enhanced due to the simplification of the technical configuration and launching of applications promptly.
  • The “Container” of Docker is independent which allows it to execute any application easily and quickly.
  • Docker helps you with the scalability of your applications by running multiple containers across a cluster of machines, distributing the workload efficiently.
  • Docker integrates well with CI/CD pipeline that helps to deploy and integrate changes constantly.

19. Gradle


Gradle is a build automation tool that is quite famous among developers for its flexibility and adaptability for the development of software. In case you are looking to build, test and deploy software for any platform. Gradle has it all. It supports software development models (SDLC models) that can help in the complete process of software development from writing codes to publishing.

Gradle helps developers to build and customize according to their specific requirements by providing support to flexible and extensible build systems.

It offers features such as Incremental builds, aids in supporting multiple projects, and Seamless integration with IDE and tools making it the best choice among software developer productivity tools that helps in creating and managing projects effectively and efficiently. 

Features of Gradle-

  • Gradle systemizes the build process, allowing developers to create, manage and execute tasks for building, testing, and launching applications.
  • It has built-in dependency management that helps in managing projects and allows downloading required libraries and frameworks whenever it is required.
  • Gradle offers a highly flexible and extensible build system that allows customization as per your needs.
  • Gradle employs an incremental build model that helps to build those parts that are necessary parts of the project which have changed speeding up the build process.
  • Multi-module projects help in streamlining the organization and build the coordination of complex applications.

20. Studio 3T

Studio 3T

Studio 3T is a powerful MongoDB GUI and IDE that provides a user-friendly graphical user interface that helps in accessing and modifying MongoDB databases and their documents.

With a wide-ranging feature, Studio3T is the only tool with an SQL migration feature that helps in the easy transferring of MongoDB collection to SQL database. Its intuitive interface helps in engaging and taking advantage of the MongoDB database and its documents.

With wide-ranging features of Studio3T sanctions developers and database administrators to easily navigate, query, and change any data across the database platform making it a popular choice for product development software tools seeking top-tier database management solutions.

Features of Studio 3T-

  • Studio3T helps developers to visualize and explore the schema and data stored in MongoDB, helping in database analysis and design.
  • It offers a visual query builder that allows you to build queries through the drag-and-drop feature.
  • Studio3T helps in simplifying the import and export of data to and from MongoDB.
  • it delivers in-built tools for executing complex queries and aggregations, helping developers to efficiently retrieve and manipulate data.
  • Studio3T has different subscriptions from free, basic, and pro to ultimate.


When it comes to competence, better output, and success of your software development project, Software development tools play an important role. With the above write-up, we believe you got a good idea about different tools that help you throughout the lifecycle including coding to testing and deployment. These tools assist by boosting productivity by providing features such as code editors, version control systems, automated testing software, and more.

The combination of the right software development tools can lead to improved productivity and better code quality. These tools are often leveraged by many top software development companies in the USA to streamline workflows, catch bugs fast and deliver products that are efficient and effective.

These tools can help you stay up front in the market and deliver better products for your clients. Therefore, it is necessary for developers to carefully evaluate and master them to uplift the quality of their software whereas making them prevalent in the market.


While going through the blog, you may find some questions in your mind. Here are some FAQs to help you out:

  1. What are the tools used in software development?

    The tools used in software development can vary from compilers, linkers, and code editors to GUI and many more. But for the tool to be best for you, it is necessary to choose according to your requirement and needs.

  2. What is the best tool for software development?

    There are so many tools in the market available for software developing tools including GitHub, Azure, Atom, Jira, Visual Studio, Eclipse, and more. There are different factors considered while choosing development tools such as features for the project, type of project, and more.

  3. What’s the #1 software development tool?

    The #1 software development tool used for software development is GitHub. It is a powerful code hosting platform for collaboration that allows you to collaborate and share your code file with your team to complete projects from anywhere.

  4. What does a software developer do?

    Software developers create, test, deploy and maintain software that runs on the devices. They discuss user requirements and then research accordingly to deliver solutions according to the user requirement. They can also endorse updates for existing systems and design them in a way that works efficiently and effectively.

  5. How can I start software development?

    There are several steps that one takes starting from learning a programming language, learning some tools and pursuing a degree, practicing what you have learned, making an experience portfolio, strengthening your technical side, and applying for jobs or freelance as per your wish.

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