Technology is everywhere we look. When you begin to develop a web application you have many options. For over 25 years, Ruby has remained popular in the programming community due to its focus on programmer satisfaction. However, with Ruby as your framework, you still need to make a discussion as to what exact framework works best for your project.

This decision needs to be one with long-term benefits for your business. This article will discuss in detail the options available to you based on the feedback from who you are going to hire ruby on rails developers. After all, one may suit you immediately but cannot expand with your company in the future.

Let’s dive into the differences you’re going to be confronted with starting with the major differences in the framework and microframework.

Frameworks and Microframeworks

When considering frameworks, one factor to take into consideration is whether your project requires a traditional or a micro framework.

The microframework allows you to mix-and-match various aspects of your app. This provides an optimal solution for your project’s requirements over a framework that works alone handling most things instead of everything.

On the other hand, integrating many smaller frameworks will increase the cost to develop with Ruby frameworks. The cost of using a microframework will be increased for both immediate and long-term for updates and training new developers.

Web and Background Job

The web framework will handle communications with an incoming web request; this includes loading HTML pages and making a JSON request to an API. On the other hand, a background job framework implements code outside of the traditional request-response sequence of how frameworks typically operate.

These background jobs are used when procedures need to happen repetitively. An example of this is with the use of a ‘cron’ technology. With Cron technologies, the system is required to run at specific times, dates, or intervals.

Another use for background jobs is when the routine can’t be completed immediately and needs more time to respond to a web request.

Top Ruby Web frameworks

Ruby has been an industry leader when it comes to web frameworks since it was developed. If you hire Ruby on Rails developers from a leading web development company, it will ensure you are going with the right choice. However, knowing to get the key differences between the frameworks allows you to comprehend the reasoning why.

Understanding their methods will guarantee you are choosing the right services for your project. Whether you hire ruby on rails developer or a company specializing in grape development, you will recognize the aspects of each fit your requirements.

1. Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails, otherwise known as Rails, or RoR, has been one of the top ruby frameworks since 2006. It is easy to find ruby on rails experts around the world because of its steady popularity with programmers. 

Ruby on Rails has been involved as the primary language in many large-scale projects like Twitter. It played a vital role in helping the social media platform boost community presence and UX.

With Ruby on Rails development services, you will have your project broken down into three pieces the model, the view, and the controller. This is due to their MVC control structure that simplifies the process allowing your developer to handle individual development features of an app.

You can find a dedicated RoR developer in the United States for a costly price. An onshore development company like this produces high-quality results.

However, due to the more powerful currency, these companies are expensive. Conversely, you can find industry-leading professionals from ruby on rails development company to have a much more budget-friendly solution.

RoR is a language that has dramatically changed the course of web development. Ruby on Rails has influenced how you manage web pages, databases, and other elements of a web application.

RoR provides solutions for many web app requirements, some features include:

  • ActionMailbox that processes inbound emails
  • ActionMailer to send emails
  • ActiveRecord that works with databases
  • ActiveJob to communicate with background-job frameworks
  • ActiveStorage to store files with the cloud
  • ActionCable that manages WebSocket connections
  • ActionText that aids in rich content editing

Being the top ruby framework, Ruby on Rails holds significance in the framework community. 

If considering RoR web development services as your web framework, it’s a safe choice.

Read Also: Tips to Hire Ruby On Rails Developer

2. Sinatra

Among other available ruby frameworks, Sinatra is quite popular in the web development market. It is fundamentally easy to use and simply written in Ruby. Sinatra is commonly used by the developer as a web development framework instead of using Ruby on Rails. 

It comes with an easy DSL (Domain Specific Language). So it uninterruptedly takes the web request route directly to a Ruby code block. In the case of less complex but larger frameworks, Sinatra has termed a great framework option for you. 

It is a powerful ruby framework able to establish an efficient and dedicated functional web app using a single file. Sinatra is leveraged as-

  • Unbiased
  • Simple
  • Lightweight
  • Open Source
  • Cross-Platform 
  • Open-Source

3. Camping

In the list of top ruby frameworks, Camping is another name. The significant part of the Camping framework is the size which is just 4KB. Due to its less size, Camping is popular as the less space-taking ruby framework without compromising the features and functionalities.  

It is not just the size of this Ruby Framework, Camping is also known as an open-source framework, supported by the huge active community. Some significant features make it a preferable option for the developers are as:

  • Active Community Support
  • Structured development
  • Highly Efficient

4. Ramaze

Ramaze is competitively the best ruby framework for creating meticulous web development projects. It is quite faster, lightweight, and comes with an effective flat learning curve. 

Ramaze proves as an effective option for ruby projects which involve JS, ORM, Jquery, AJAX, or some other templating engine. It is a bug-free framework and popularly known as a powerful one by Ruby on Rails Experts in the list of other popular Ruby frameworks.

With some excellent features, Ramaze is mostly a preferred choice in the web development framework market:

  • Quick
  • Easy Interface
  • Bug-free
  • ORM Compatibility
  • WEBrick

5. Goliath

Another popular Ruby framework is Goliath, which is the open-source avatar of the asynchronous Ruby web server. The platform is considered one of the finest written Ruby frameworks and therefore preferred by the top ruby development companies. The lightweight frame is designed for bare-metal performance, Middleware and Rack API support, fully asynchronous processing, simple config, and maintainable code.

The platform is focused on event-driven design and delivering efficient working through the EventMachine reactor. Alongside, Goliath is also considered the lightweight web framework.

Below are some noticeable features:

  • Simple Routing
  • Individual Server
  • Easy codes
  • Highly dedicated request channel
  • Security

6. Hanami

In the list of ruby frameworks, Hanami cements its place with several different features. Coming with a leveraged object methodology and pristine architectural design, it provides several modules for the usual web app functionality.

Hanami is also a lightweight framework and does not consume more resources with lesser memory compared to other ruby frameworks. It is quite well “sorted” in design, providing small files. These small files can be used easily and independently for creating a project stack. Below are given some features of Hanami:

  • Easy Design
  • Less Resource Consumption
  • Secured
  • Simple & Easy Coding

Read Also: Top 10 Web Development Frameworks to Choose

7. Padrino

Padrino is based on Sinatra.  It is known as an open-source ruby platform. It is preferred by the developer for being an alternative to Camping and Merb.

It is mostly preferred by RoR Development Company for the reason that it extends Sinatra’s functionality; eventually framed it as a popular framework with a huge library. Find the important features below:

  • Known as the fast framework.
  • Easy Development
  • Functionally Rich
  • More Reliable
  • Library rich framework


NYNY’s is another ruby framework considered as “small” and one of the best ruby frameworks owing to its features.

The “small” represents NYNY’s is excellently written in just 300 lines (code), proven as a good help for Ruby web Development Company. It significantly has fewer lines of code than other available Ruby frameworks. In comparison to NYNY, other ruby web frameworks are built with more lines of codes.

NYNY is mostly considered by the ruby on rails Development Company in India for its relevance and containing all popular requirements. Here, if the developer would want an additional thing, they can edit the framework and add the desired functionality. 

The best thing about the NYNY application, it is easy to use with Rails, Sinatra, or another Rack-based app. With the support of the active NYNY community, it is easy to find relevant and rich information from the configuration to run on the webserver. Get to know about main features of NYNY:

  • Small Applications
  • Rich features
  • Quick Routing
  • Smooth Development
  • Easy to Interact

9. Cuba

Cuba is a decent microframework that is used to develop web apps in Ruby. It helps in developing quality and effective projects with extensive support from other technologies. 

Apart from the aforementioned facts, Cuba has templates integrated by Tilt and is tested through Capybara and Cutest.

It is popular as a Ruby framework as a powerful mapper. Cuba is preferred significantly by the developers for optimized rack responses which power it to be one of the best ruby frameworks compared to the other ruby framework.

10. Grape

It is another ruby micro framework and is considered as a complement to the frameworks like Rails or Sinatra. Ruby on Rails programmers finds it a more suitable programming language.

Grape, a ruby framework offers built-in help for common conventions like content negotiation, subdomain/prefix restriction, versioning, multiple formats, and much more. It provides efficient, effective, and, relevant API’s working for the web-app domain. 

11. Scorched

In the list of the popular Ruby framework, any ruby development company can’t negate Scorched. It needs Ruby2.0 and above. Unlike another available ruby framework, Scorched cements its place quite robustly. It is lightweight and an evolutionary extension to Sinatra, with less cluttered, focused, and powerful features. 

The scorched framework has an advantage due to its familiarity among the developers. As the ruby framework developers are quite familiar with Rack, it becomes easy for them to use it.

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12. Roda

Among the number of Ruby frameworks, Roda helps in creating web apps in the best way for providing ruby web development services. The significance of Roda enriches due to the excellent usability, productivity, and simplicity of the programming language. It is built with several APIs and flexible architecture.

Roda is popular for introducing the web toolkit, which performs several requests uninterruptedly at any point of routing. It is best at using less memory in comparison to the other ruby framework, therefore recommended by web development companies for prompt projects.

Roda is easy for installation, configuration, and use. It has a huge list of available plugins including mail, request, middleware etc. Please find the main features below given as:

  • Built on Rack
  • Simplicity
  • Simple and Flexible Architecture
  • Highly secured
  • Rich Usability
  • Easy Readable APIs & Plugins

13. Volt

Volt is a reliable web app development Ruby framework where the code is made to run on both client and server for faster communication. DOM (Document object model) is functionalized to update automatically with the user interaction with the page and the state of the page is saved in URL.

As the user hits the URL:

  • The HTML is rendered to the server for faster loading.
  • Easy indexing provided by Search engines.
  • The local page interaction is rendered for the client.

Volt is dependent on the network channel for client-server communication. Alongside, Volt code updates the data synchronously, where multiple data transactions can be updated at the same time.

14. Ramverk

One of the best RoR web development service frameworks, Ramverk is preferred for working with a minimalistic approach. It assists to build up Model View Controller (MVC) app with the features of in-framework custom function integration.

Although Ramverk focuses on providing the required functionalities to start the app, it requests more customized or necessary addition by the developer.

15. Hobbit

In the competitive list of the top ruby framework, Hobbit weighs among the developer’s preferences. Hobbit is known as the lightweight and faster ruby framework. It is quite faster than other available microframeworks for web apps. In comparison to Sinatra-inspired web routing Domain Specific Language (DSL), Hobbit is developed on top-of-Rack.

  • No configuration
  • Extendable
  • Sinatra inspired DSL

16. Cramp

The fully asynchronous real-time web app development framework Cramp is built on the top of EventMachine. The framework is primarily designed for a large number of open connections and it provides the duplex bi-directional communication. Using an asynchronous mechanism, the framework is used smoothly for many connections opened at a time. Cramp is used for developing WebSockets, server events, and Application program interfaces.

17. Delayed::Job

 Though known as extracted from Shopify, Delayed::Job is developed on a traditional relational database, which leverages the ‘delayed_jobs table.

Due to its significant features and architecture, it nullifies the cost and additional cost for running an extra data store like Redis. It prioritizes the job within a queue, through a ‘priority parameter’.

The aforementioned functionality of the Delayed::Jobs makes it a preferable option among the developers. It makes use of the database directly as a queue for processing background jobs.

Read Also: Django Vs Ruby on Rails: Which One to Choose?

18. Resque

Resque is created by Chris Wanstrath, co-founder and CEO of GitHub. It is supported by the Ruby library to create background jobs, putting them on various queues and processing them later.

Resque is coherently influenced by DelayedJob includes these three parts:

  • An Extensive Ruby library to create, query, and process jobs
  • A Rake task to process jobs
  • A Sinatra app to monitor queues, workers are jobs.

Resque is popular as an effective option and a much-preferred choice of the ror development company for background jobs. 

19. Sneakers

Here, the new in the list, Sneakers, a Ruby framework. It is a fast background processing web app framework, which is based on RabbitMQ.

Sneakers are supported by RabbitMQ, with several advantages comparatively over frameworks backed by Redis.

So, in this case, if you are committed to a heavy volume of quick background jobs, Sneakers comes as a good and preferable option for your application. It also minimizes the cost, being a point of concern in voluminous disciplines.

 In Conclusion

Since the beginning, Ruby on Rails development services has remained a preferred and most relevant option for developing web applications. When it comes to efficiency, productivity, and functionality, Ruby satiates the developer’s expectations. 

You have many different frameworks to choose from when it comes to Ruby. Some are more well-known than others; however, you have a wide range of quality frameworks as options.

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