Blockchain has emerged as one of the most powerful technologies in recent years. All thanks to its advanced features such as decentralization, security, speed, and further that are helping many sectors and industries to carry out their operations more effectively and efficiently.

Blockchain was initially thought to be helpful for financial management but over time it has grown to other sectors such as supply chain management, healthcare technology, logistics, and many other fields.

In upcoming years, we will surely see more and more adoption of Blockchain, even Research says that Blockchain is growing tremendously signifying the spending in Blockchain solutions will reach $19 billion by 2024.

blockchain increasings

With growing interest in blockchain, the need for blockchain platforms that can fulfill the requirement for secure and transparent transactions has increased. Blockchain’s decentralized nature and immutability make it an attractive option for businesses looking to better their processes and increase trust with customers.

Read Also: – Tips to Hire Blockchain Developer

Additionally, the rise of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and decentralized finance (DeFi) has further driven the demand for Blockchain platforms. As Blockchain platforms are generally used to create secure decentralized systems such as digital identity verification and more.

The popularity of blockchain solutions also upsurged the involvement of many top players and businesses to get blockchain platforms from a reputed blockchain development company like SemiDot Infotech to leverage the benefit of Blockchain’s safe, speedier, and decentralized nature, which can help to create new opportunities for their business.

By partnering with SemiDot Infotech, businesses can take advantage of SemiDot’s experience and expertise & can stay ahead among their competitors as well as position themselves for future growth in an increasingly digital and interconnected world.

Key Factors to Consider Before Selecting a Blockchain Platform for Your Business

Now, since the blockchain market has grown tremendously. There are so many blockchain platforms launched to satisfy user requirements with more and more advanced features. But every platform has its advantages and disadvantages, before opting for the Blockchain development services of a leading company, you need to understand some important aspects that work well in the market and are demanded more. To help you with the same, we have brought up those factors that will broaden your perspective and manage your blockchain app development cost.

  • Available functionality
  • Security
  • Size of the network
  • Consensus Mechanism
  • Provenance
  • Finality

1. Available Functionality

There are many types of blockchain platforms available in the market, they have different features that make them stand out in the market. Suppose you want to work on smart contracts to streamline your business, Ethereum will be a great pick for that.

If you want to keep transactions confidential; Elements will be helpful in that. Well, if there are so many platforms that means one cannot fulfill all purposes of any business so while selecting the platform, you should make sure that the one you are picking supports your need.

2. Security

Blockchain is considered as most secure technology but still, over the years there have been some attacks on the platforms. If your company deals with sensitive data and information, you can hire dedicated developers with years of experience and expertise to make sure all robust security measures are in place to protect data from breaches and attacks.

This security can include multi-factor authentication, regular security audits, role-based access control, and others. Also, consider checking the track records of the platform when it comes to security incidents and how they have responded to them.

3. Size of the Network

The size of the network plays an important role before deciding on Blockchain development platforms for your business. A larger network can provide several benefits such as increased security, decentralization, and better network consensus.

In a larger network, more nodes or computers are participating in the network, which makes it more difficult for any one party to manipulate the blockchain. This increased number of nodes also helps in keeping the network more decentralized making it less susceptible to attacks or manipulation.

4. Consensus Mechanism

The consensus mechanism is another crucial factor you need to check for in any blockchain technology platform you are choosing. It is responsible for ensuring that the transaction on the network is verified and agreed upon by all the participants. In a decentralized mechanism, there is no single authority to verify transactions. There are various consensus mechanisms available, including proof-of-work (PoW), proof of stake (PoS), delegated proof of stake (DPoS), and others.

The consensus mechanism is a means to make sure that the ledger is accurate and tamper-proof. Each of these mechanisms has its advantages and disadvantages, you can choose a consensus mechanism depending on the specific needs and goals of your project.

5. Provenance

Provenance refers to the ability to trace the origin and history of data or assets stored on a blockchain. It is an important consideration when selecting a blockchain platform because it helps ensure the authenticity, accuracy, and reliability of the data or assets being stored on a blockchain. In addition, provenance can also help with regulatory compliance by providing a transparent and auditable record of transactions on the blockchain.

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Therefore, while choosing any platform it is important to consider the level of provenance offered by the platform. The platform should provide robust features for tracking the history of data or assets on the blockchain, as well as mechanisms for verifying the authenticity and integrity of the data to ensure transparency and trust.

6. Finality

Finality refers to the certainty that a transaction or block on a blockchain is irrevocably confirmed and will not be changed in the future. Finality is an important consideration when selecting a blockchain platform because it determines the level of confidence that users can have in that blockchain-based platform. If there is a risk of a transaction being reversed or changed after it has been confirmed, it can lead to fraud or other issues.

When selecting a blockchain platform, it is important to consider the level of finality offered by the platform, as well as the trade-offs involved. For example, a platform that offers very high finality may have lower transactions throughout or higher fees compared to a platform that offers lower finality.

In summary, finality is necessary for selecting a blockchain platform because it ensures that transactions are complete and irreversible, which is crucial for many applications. Different blockchain platforms offer different levels of finality, and it is important to acknowledge what the top Blockchain platforms offer while selecting a platform for a specific use case.

List of Top Blockchain Platforms

Users’ trust in Blockchain platforms has increased in the past few years. It is no doubt that businesses are taking advantage by getting secure blockchain app development or web development using powerful blockchain platforms like Ethereum.

With plenty of blockchain platforms available, many are still getting introduced every year. So, to avoid any confusion it’s necessary to understand the functionalities of different blockchain platforms that are popular and are often suggested by experts.

Here are the top Blockchain platforms that will help you give you an outlook and perspective with their feature and functionalities that are prevailing in the market and making them successful.

  • Ethereum
  • IBM Blockchain
  • ConsenSys Quorum
  • Hyperledger Fabric
  • Ripple
  • Stellar
  • Corda
  • Elements
  • XDC Network
  • Tezos
  • Hyperledger Sawtooth
  • Hedera Hashgraph

1. Ethereum


After Bitcoin another cryptocurrency that rose to fame is Ethereum, besides being one of the oldest and most prevalent Blockchain platforms, it also has its currency called Ether. It is a popular choice to build decentralized applications, NFTs, decentralized social networks, financial applications, crypto wallets, and many more.

The main aim of Ethereum is to foster innovation and enable the creation of decentralized applications and smart contracts that can reinvent new possibilities in various industries and enable new possibilities.

Over the years, Ethereum has become the most adaptable platform for creating new dApps providing all the substructure needed by top dApps development company to concentrate on their efforts and build first-class decentralized applications.

Key features of Ethereum

  • This platform operates without a central authority, enabling trustless interactions and eliminating the need for intermediaries.
  • For automated and transparent interaction, Ethereum allows developers to create and deploy smart contracts.
  • Ethereum is a programmable blockchain platform that supports Turing- a complete smart contract to help develop wide-ranging dApps with custom logic and functionality.
  • Ethereum is an open-source project.
  • Ethereum has a proof to work (PTW) based consensus mechanism.

2. IBM Blockchain

IBM Blockchain

IBM Blockchain was developed by IBM to streamline business processes and make them more efficient. IBM Blockchain offers various tools and services that help businesses harness the power of blockchain including that of healthcare, digital identity, and more.

With the features and functionalities of IBM Blockchain, it becomes easier to create, govern and operate blockchain networks. The demand for blockchain developers for hire also increased to harness the power of IBM Blockchain that drive growth for the business.

Features of IBM Blockchain

  • IBM Blockchain has a user-friendly interface for designing, creating, and managing blockchain networks.
  • IBM Blockchain allows organizations to create and deploy smart contracts which are a self-executing agreement that runs on Blockchain making it a reliable option for an experienced smart contract development company to help to enforce business rules without the need for intermediaries.
  • IBM Blockchain offers multiple consensus algorithms for different use cases including Proof of Work, Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance, and Delegated Proof of Stake.
  • Complete set of sample codes, services, and tools accessible for Hyperledger fabric.

3. ConsenSys Quorum

ConsenSys Quorum

ConsenSys Quorum enables is an enterprise-grade Ethereum platform. Businesses can put their faith in the Quorum open-source protocol layer to utilize, manage and grow blockchain networks at a large scale. Since Quorum purposes a permissioned network, ventures can take advantage and tailor it according to their needs.

But before altering it consult your needs with the software development company, they might come up with better suggestions after all you never know how blockchain consultation can help your business in exploring new possibilities.

Features of ConsenSys Quorum

  • It is open source and is free to download and use.
  • ConsenSys is community and content driven.
  • The platform is enterprise-ready providing services, tools, and amalgamation with a variety of stacks.
  • ConsenSys ensure data safety which is a compelling factor and makes it a viable option for financial institutions.
  • It is a speedier and better performer than any other blockchain technology.

4. Hyperledger Fabric

Hyperledger Fabric

Hyperledger Fabric Platform has gained popularity by being an open-source blockchain technology platform. It is renowned as one of the projects under the Hyperledger umbrella by the Linux Foundation.

It is specifically designed for enterprise settings where multiple entities may need to collaborate and transact with a high level of security, transparency, and efficient manner. Hyperledger Fabric aims to improve the logistics network and translucency of the transaction in the network by utilizing top Blockchain protocol.

Features of Hyperledger Fabric

  • Hyperledger Fabric allows for various consensus algorithms including pluggable consensus.
  • Hyperledger Fabric allows for the creation of permissioned networks, where participants are required to authenticate and obtain permission to access Blockchain networks.
  • Hyperledger Fabric is designed for high throughput and low latency.
  • It supports different languages such as Go, JavaScript, and more to build smart contracts.

5. Ripple

ripple platform

Ripple is a popular Blockchain platform and its cryptocurrency which is XRP. Ripple is a Blockchain-based payment network that uses a consensus mechanism to facilitate real-time, cross-border transactions. Ripple lends their help to businesses for cross-border payments, crypto liquidity, and many more. They aim to revolutionize the existing financial system by replacing the current SWIFT network and providing fast & cheap transactions.

Features of Ripple

  • Ripple offers various products including xCurrent, xRapid, and xVia that provide solutions for financial institutions to facilitate cross-border payments.
  • Ripple is interoperable with various payment networks and financial institutions.
  • Ripple uses its unique consensus algorithm (RPCA) that make sure the transaction is effective and efficient.
  • Ripple approves the transactions quickly and charges very less transaction fees also.

6. Stellar


Stellar is a quite famous name among top blockchain platforms which is another open-source digital payment technology. Like Ripple, Stellar also aims to eradicate problems of cross-border payments and make the process more efficient and transparent.

Ripple is a global payment network that relies on a consensus algorithm to authenticate transactions and account balances on the system. The consensus protocol of Stellar doesn’t depend on the entire miner network to accept transactions instead, they use the FBA algorithm to allow quicker transactions.

Features of Stellar

  • Stellar offers quicker, low-priced, and more efficient.
  • Offers facility of cross-border transactions amongst other pairs of currencies.
  • Supports thousands of transactions per second.
  • Main token of stellar blockchain
  • Offers transfer at low costs.
  • Stellar is scalable that can handle a large number of transactions.



EOSIO was founded in 2017 and is among the popular blockchain platforms that assist in the smooth functioning of decentralized applications. It is designed to build high-performance, scalable, and secure Blockchain applications, with features like fast processing consensus algorithms based on delegated proof of stake (DPoS) and flexible governance.

EOSIO aims to provide a user-friendly environment for developers to create innovative blockchain solutions with wide-ranging use cases such as gaming and finance. EOSIO is a developer-friendly platform and can also assist in learning full-stack development, especially for building decentralized applications. Often, leading fullstack development company looking to hire developers with a hold on EOSIO to meet the needs of their clients.

Features of EOSIO

  • EOSIO is customizable and help developer creates tailored use cases.
  • EOSIO implements various security features including its DPoS consensus algorithm.
  • The platform is designed to be interoperable with other Blockchain, allowing for seamless integration.
  • EOSIO aims to provide developer-friendly tools, libraries, and documentation, making it easier for developers to build and deploy dApps on the Blockchain.

8. Corda

corda platform

Corda is an open-permissioned blockchain that assists in building powerful and flexible Blockchain networks within a limited time and effective cost. The platform uses a unique approach to privacy by allowing sharing of data with those members who are already in the transaction.

Corda is developed by R3, a consortium of financial institutions and blockchain development companies that are designed for use in business and financial services industries, with a focus on privacy, scalability, and interoperability.

Features of Corda

  • Corda is designed for enterprise use, with features such as robust security, fault tolerance, and support for regulatory compliance.
  • Corda allows for pluggable consensus mechanisms letting businesses customize based on their needs.
  • Corda allows for sharing of data on a need-to-know basis to ensure privacy among participants.
  • Corda enables seamless integration with existing enterprise systems and supports interoperability with other Corda networks.
  • Corda has a modular architecture that allows for easy third-party integration and customization.

9. Elements


Elements Blockchain was launched in June 2015 and has gained its place among the best blockchain platforms. This platform aims to provide a robust and flexible solution for building decentralized applications (dApps) and deploying custom Blockchains by providing advanced features like private transactions.

This project was initiated by the Elements project, which is a collaborative effort among developers and experts to develop cutting-edge technologies for the Blockchain ecosystem.

Features of Elements

  • It allows them to create and deploy their customized blockchains with configurable parameters such as consensus algorithms.
  • The transaction is kept private and only recognized by the sender and receiver.
  • Elements support sidechains which are independent Blockchains that can be pegged to a main Blockchain.
  • Elements Blockchain offers robust privacy and confidentiality features.
  • Elements Blockchain allows for easy extensibility with plug-ins and modules making it highly adaptable.

10. XDC Network


XDC Network also known as XinFin Network is among the major blockchain platforms that aim to fill the bridge between traditional finance and decentralized finance by providing scalable and secure blockchain infrastructure for developers to build advanced solutions.

This platform is disruptive by bringing speediness, extensibility, economical and provides better security. XDC Network sets a standard by enabling the tokenization of varied finance assets and instruments.

Features of XDC Network

  • XDC Network also aids in cross-chain interoperability permitting assets and data to be exchanged effortlessly among different Blockchain networks.
  • XDC Network is available for use across the world permitting access to the global ecosystem.
  • XDC Network can grip around 10,000 transactions per second making it more scalable than any other Blockchain platform.
  • XDC network supports interoperable smart contracts.

11. Tezos


Tezos has brought a revolution in Web3 and is said to be amongst the top Blockchain programming platforms. Tezos offers a platform to construct smart contracts and build dApps that cannot be restrained by anyone. Moreover, Tezos is aimed to eradicate the barricades to blockchain adoption and streamline the process.

Although, many blockchain platforms are available for the rapid development of dApps. Tezos is an open-source platform that has a massive community of researchers and developers backing up.

Features of Tezos

  • Tezos promotes the involvement of participants and gives them awards to maintain the security of the network.
  • Promotes top-quality use cases by ensuring security and code correctness.
  • Tezos practices a Proof of Stake mechanism to authenticate transactions that reduce energy consumption.
  • Tezos can upgrade without disrupting the current status quo for developers.

12. Hyperledger Sawtooth


Hyperledger Sawtooth is an open-source project that is developed by a Linux foundation. It aids in building and maintaining shared ledger networks that are used by enterprises making it the most popular blockchain platform for ventures.

It also supports different types of consensus algorithms like Proof of Elapsed Time permitting users to manage the blockchain performance conveniently according to their detailed needs. Due to its blockchain as a service, it is apt for tailor-made smart contracts.

Features of Hyperledger Sawtooth

  • With Hyperledger Sawtooth, application development is easy as it has a variety of smart contracts and supports many blockchain programming languages.
  • Sawtooth also offers two variations of public and private networks that can be utilized as per the requirement.
  • It is also best as a private blockchain platform as a separate permitting option in every network keeping all sensitive information safe.
  • The platform also provides a modular structure that makes it easy to tailor according to the needs of the enterprise like new plugins.
  • Offer verification of different transactions at the same time reducing the time.

13. Hedera Hashgraph


Hedera Hashgraph is a future-oriented decentralized ledger technology that uses a consensus algorithm called Hashgraph. Often the discussion for which is best between Hashgraph vs Blockchain has surfaced, and both have their advantages.

Hedera Hashgraph is a newer technology than Blockchain that utilizes leader-based consensus in which a set of nodes called virtual voting members take turns offering and confirming transactions. This platform is enterprise-ready with a permissioned layer for businesses that ensures extra security and privacy.

It also smooths the work of developers to build various applications ranging from gaming to social media, and many more. Among major Blockchain platforms, Hedera is designed to be rapid, safe, and fair with low latency transactions, and over time it has proved its worth.

Features of Hedera Hashgraph

  • Hedera achieves fairness by using a consensus algorithm that requires nodes to validate transactions.
  • Hedera uses a Byzantine Fault Tolerant system making it resilient to attacks.
  • It has great speed and can facilitate thousands of transactions making it a great option to create wallet app enabling transparency while maintaining the safety and integrity of the app.


Although there are plenty of programming platforms available in the market, not all belong to the list of best blockchain programming platforms. Due to continuous growth new platforms will surface with more advanced features and advanced functionality till then, we have brought the list of the best blockchain platforms to assist businesses to learn more about the different platforms with their features. So that, they can choose according to their requirements and use it to develop robust and scalable applications.

As a business, you should develop a blockchain solution on these platforms that already have marked their presence. It will surely assist you in changing the way your venture carries out business operations.

Opting for a secure and transparent system will surely aid in empowering new business models and revenue streams and allow ventures to have more control over their data. You can hire blockchain developers from SemiDot Infotech to get a top-notch blockchain development solution that will pave the growth for your company.

blockchain platform development CTA


Here are some FAQs to help you out with further assistance on Blockchain Platforms

  1. What are Blockchain Platforms?

    Blockchain platforms are software frameworks that help in building, tracking, and operating Blockchain networks. These platforms provide basic foundational components required for Blockchain technology such as consensus algorithms, smart contracts, and safety to prevent any attack or fraudulent activity. Some of the famous blockchain platforms are R3 Corda, Ethereum, and Hyperledger.

  2. What are the top 5 blockchain platforms?

    There are many blockchain platforms available among which Ethereum, IBM Blockchain, Hyperledger Fabric, R3 Corda, and Hyperledger Sawtooth stand out. But the best for you will be the one that fulfills your requirements.

  3. What is the biggest blockchain platform?

    Introduced in 2014, Ethereum is said to be a well-established and biggest Blockchain platform supporting the development of smart contracts and decentralized applications. As well as, it is known for its robust security, and great speed and has a huge community of developers and researchers backing it up.

  4. What are the Common Features of Blockchain Platforms?

    Increased capacity, better security, faster Settlement, and consensus algorithms are some common features of Blockchain platforms. Features may vary according to the platform, so it is important to thoroughly analyze the features of the particular platform before choosing.

  5. What are the 4 major blockchains?

    Blockchain is divided mainly into four types private blockchain, public blockchain, hybrid blockchain, and consortium blockchains. A private blockchain is a restrictive and closed network, a public blockchain is permissionless and non-restrictive, and hybrid blockchain has both elements of a public and private blockchain, and a consortium blockchain is termed a federated blockchain.

  6. Blockchain is the most exciting technology for a few years. Blockchain rose to fame because of the popularity and success of cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin and Ethereum are popular examples of blockchain. Blockchain is the most exciting technology for a few years. Blockchain rose to fame because of the popularity and success of cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin and Ethereum are popular examples of blockchain.

  7. What blockchain is easiest to develop?

    It is subjective to choose the easiest for anyone as it depends on various factors such as programming experience, knowledge of blockchain concepts, features of the platform, and project requirements. But with the popularity, some of the blockchains that are easiest to develop are Ethereum, Binance smart chain, Tron, Hyperledger Fabric, and more.

  8. What programming language is used for blockchain?

    Blockchain technology supports many programming languages such as Solidity, Golang, Python, JavaScript, Rust, and others. But it depends on the client’s requirements, preferences, and experience of the Blockchain team.

  9. What are the top Blockchain software products for small businesses?

    Among various platforms, the top Blockchain software products rating wise are Ethereum which is rated 4.3 stars, Corda is rated 4.3 and Kaleido is rated 4.8. If you are a small business, you can also look out for Oracle Blockchain, Solana, Brandwise, and Axelar as per your requirement.

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