What is Web 3.0
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What is Web 3.0: A Complete Guide

The Internet has been witnessed as one of the hottest topics that are Web 3.0. It has revolutionized the whole web by bringing something new and advanced to look upon. These mind-blowing technologies are changing the way business’s function and get profits. The new generation of Web 3.0 has come up with lots of improvements and updates that has more benefits to offer the world.
What is Metaverse
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What is the Metaverse? A Complete Guide

Are you ready to change the way you are living for years? Don’t be surprised as now, we all have been heard about the term ‘Metaverse’ and some of us are even familiar with it as well. Nowadays, we all can experience the change happening around us due to technological progress and one of them is Metaverse.
iOS 16 Beta 2 Release
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iOS 16 Beta 2 Release: Know Every New Feature and Changes

Hey! Are you aware of the news about iOS 16 beta 2? This new update of iOS is now available to install and use by developers. Being in the developers’ community, it is necessary to be informed about the latest technological updates. Surely, these coming updates will have a strong impact on the mobile app development services.
Top Health and fitness Apps to Use in 2022
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Best Health and Fitness Apps to Use in 2023

Among the snowballing demand for different mobile apps, did you notice that heath and wellness apps are also making space for them in people’s hearts? Due to the pandemic, people have started taking their health seriously and they are espousing regular meditation and health checkups in their routine. Their determination toward a healthy body is becoming possible with the help of existing health and wellness apps.
What Should you know all about Angular 14 update?
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What Should You Know All About Angular 14 Update?

And here comes the most awaiting news for the Angular developers’ community! Yes, Angular has indeed released its latest version called ‘Angular 14’ comprising some new features alongside solving the existing issues with the older version. Starting from version 6 to 14, Angular has come a long way in its journey. On 2nd June 2022, the Angular team at Google declared that they are coming up with the Angular v14 in June.
How to Patent A Mobile App Idea?
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A Complete Guide to Patent a Mobile App Idea

Do you have a unique and revolutionary mobile app idea? Are you scared of your creative idea getting copied? If your answer is yes to both these questions, then there is no need to get worried anymore. To save your hard work, the uniqueness of your idea, and your future profits, all you need to do is to file a patent for your mobile app idea.
React Native vs Native App Development
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React Native vs Native App Development: Which One to Choose for Your App?

The world has experienced different kinds of mobile applications, Native and React Native is also included among them. After Native, RN has also come up as a suitable option to develop cross-platform apps. However, these both have their own importance and benefits, but RN has streamlined the mobile app delivery process regarding resource usability, communication, budget, and various other ways.
How to Create Your NFT Marketplace on Avalanche?
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How to Create Your NFT Marketplace on Avalanche?

Avalanche Blockchain seems to go a long way and the NFT marketplace built on Avalanche is doing great in the market and becoming very popular in the crypto sphere. Therefore, the current time happens to be the most suitable to invest in the NFT marketplace business with the help of a feature rich NFT platform built on Avalanche.